The sun is shining and it’s just beautiful out there, which means that it’s time to get those lily white limbs out.
Now – you may have read the beauty tip about gradual tan recently but now it is time for action. You may have been caught short and need an instant tan fix NOW! So read on and get bronzing….
My recommendation is to go and buy some Fake Bake Luxurious Golden Bronze Airbrush Instant Self-Tan and an applicator mitt (I have one by Boots Soltan which is perfect for the job) and get busy in the bathroom – pronto! Then you can instantly wear all of those leg-skimming, arm-showing garms that are so pretty and comfortable on a summer’s day.
Why Fake Bake brand? Because in my opinion it is the best I’ve tried, and I’ve tried soooo many it is untrue. As an English Rose by birth, I have spent many a summer seeking out the best tan in a can and this one is quite simply that, I go back for more and more every time. This spray tan for home use is a great colour, doesn’t streak, and as it is instant I can be ready to wear whatever I like very quickly – a real plus for a busy Mummy!
The only things about spray tan with an instant colour is that it can make a terrible mess everywhere, god knows I’ve done it. The bathroom becomes browner than your legs and the residue gets everywhere, really quite yukky, thus making it quite unattractive to face the whole task. It’s especially not so good when the cleaner’s only just gone home and you’re back to square one again with the flash bathroom spray. So what can you do?
Get in the shower cubicle! This is a tried and tested tip and the shower cubicle is always where I go to do my spray tan at home. Firstly, lay down an old towel on the shower tray and then get in and begin to transform yourself. You will step out of the shower cubicle after your application looking bronzed and beautiful but remember to follow these tips:
- Before you start, have a shower and exfoliate really well. If you have any dry areas smooth over and blend very well with a tiny bit of moisturiser beforehand. Not too much as it will spoil the final result. Do not apply moisturiser all over.
- With your mitt on one hand begin to spray the Fake Bake over your face and body from about 9 inches away from the area you are working on. Start at the top with your arms and abdomen and smooth any streakiness with the mitt as you cover each area. Work down the body to the hips to the legs, again smoothing upwards with the mitt as you go. By the time you reach your feet you may feel that you have enough freefalling spray that has covered them , but check that you have full coverage on your heels and ankle area and apply more very gradually if necessary.
- When you have finished your body it is time to spray your hands, carefully apply a light mist over each one and then allow yourself to dry.
- Don’t get dressed for at least 10 minutes and if you have a fan – stand in front of it!
- Another reminder – don’t go near water for at least 4 hours, not even washing your hands if you can help it as you will get a tidemark! This is where those antibac wipes come in handy.
- You are ready to go! Go out and enjoy the sun wearing whatever you want – you are bronzed and beautiful
The shower cubicle after tanning treatment – all mist that missed me is contained here! Afterwards, just put the towel in the wash and next time you have a shower any surplus spray will just wash away.
Fake Bake Luxurious Golden Bronze Airbrush Instant Self-Tan retails at around £25 per can – a bargain when you consider you will be a bronzed beauty! I generally buy mine from John Lewis in Kingston but there are many stockists including the Fake Bake website –