Today I’m going to talk about hair, well hairbrushes actually, and this one will give you soft and shiny hair with use over a short time. It is the fabulous Mason and Pearson hairbrush.
In more recent times my hair has refused to grow beyond shoulder length, it usually breaks off and looks frizzy quite quickly, with split ends aplenty. I have put this down to highlights, straighteners, blowdrying and general day to day wear and tear, but I couldn’t understand why only a few years ago I had a longer style and more manageable hair. Over the last few months I have for some reason reverted to using my old Mason and Pearson hairbrush, which I’ve owned for years but have passed on for use by my 7 year old daughter, and it’s the best thing I’ve done for a long time, my hair has started to grow again and I’ve now reached new lengths – literally! I did wonder what had brought about this change and why my hair has grown and become more shiny. Even my hairdresser remarked about it, and it was just the other day that I made the connection that I had been using this brush once more and this must be the reason why, as it’s the only change I have made in my daily routine.
As a child my stepmum Suzie always used a Mason and Pearson hairbrush, we both had long hair and it was the only type of hairbrush I ever knew, a classic. When I left home it was one of my first investments. You may think that a hairbrush is a funny purchase when one leaves home but if you buy one you’ll understand why.
This is also one beauty product that should be shared with little girls. I’m not one for using lots of products on my kids, but this hairbrush is the only one for my daughter Ava, she has the most beautiful long, thick and wavy hair and this brush is the most painfree way to get the knots out, better than any “tangle teaser.” (Which she point blank refuses to even look at let alone entertain being pulled through hair, she’d rather look like Bob Marley thank you very much!
So, in a nutshell, it’s a great and classic product that will last you maybe even a lifetime. I have had mine since the early 90’s and it’s still going strong with two users in our household and I think my sister is in ownership of the one I used in the 70s. (And she’s still using it!) It’s just a fantastic hair product that won’t break your hair like a typical plastic vent or Denman style brush, I cringed the other day when I used my old plastic brush to tame the tresses that morning, the sound of the hair breaking was horrible!
A little history for you:
MASON PEARSON was a founder-engineer-inventor, went from Yorkshire, Northern England to London in the mid 1860’s to work at the British Steam Brush Works, in London’s East End. The business was in general small-brushmaking and the brushes were made by hand. Mason Pearson invented an automatic brush-boring machine to speed up the whole process of brushmaking in 1885, for which he won a Silver Medal at the International Inventions Exhibition in London in that year. In the same year he invented the “pneumatic” rubber-cushion hairbrush. There was founded Mason Pearson’s rubber-cushion hairbrush, and the product design used nowadays is very similar to the original 1885 model. The basic product has not changed since then and there is good reason why -it is an exceptional hairbrush.